I’ve always been an animal lover

Well this is it my website has gone live and I’m very excited!

Getting the opportunity to work with animals has been a dream of mine for so long I started to think it was never going to happen.  I grew up in a home filled with animals and from a very young age I learnt to love and respect our furry companions.  My mum has been rescuing pets and offering them a loving home since before I was born, I think that’s where I get my affinity for animals from.  Helping her to clean them out in whatever the weather prepared me for how dedicated you need to be when looking after pets.

Teddy the giant Yorkshire Terrier


When I was ten my school teacher Mrs Churchyard would have a classroom full of pets, on the weekends we where allowed to take one home to care for…. most parents didn’t want to take them so when my mum would pick me up from school I would be standing at the gates with multiple cages and tanks!! We looked after everything from guinea pigs, rabbits, hamsters, zebra finches and even stick insects. Going into senior school I got called out of class on numerous occasions to help get pigeons out of the gym rafters as everyone new I loved animals.

I will always remember my first on hands experience working with farm animals on a children’s farm during my school work experience. I got filthy, sun burnt and flea bitten everyday but I loved it.

My first job was working in a friends pet shop which was an amazing experience where I got to care for some real characters, like Bo Bo the resident macaw parrot. Who would spend hours on top of my head while I cleaned out the animals and served customers.

At the age of 15 my mum rescued two Shetland ponies Buddy and Pickard, not long after my sister got her first pony Oliver.  Nothing had prepared us for the freezing cold frosty mornings, breaking ice off the water troughs and long hours spent mucking out their fields on a boiling hot day! But I loved it, the chance to care for these beautiful creatures turned me into a real horse lover too.

My families horses 


I currently live in North Chailey, Sussex with my partner of over 10yrs Steve. We share our home with two cats, Hector and Xena and two tortoises Millie and Myrtle.

Millie the Tortoise enjoying a strawberry

Xena our soppy cat


I cannot wait to start this new venture into pet sitting and finally fulfil my dream, so if your looking for a professional and reliable pet/house sitter in Lewes, Uckfield and the surrounding areas please don’t hesitate to contact me ???

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